Public competitions terms and conditions (Terms)
1.Name of competitionInstant wallet top up (Promotion) 
2.Promoter of competitionThe Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Standard Bank/We/Us/Our)
3.Start date of Competition23h59 on 28 February 2025
4.End date of Competition23h59 on 15 March 2025

What we are offering (Offer)

Zero percent (0%) transaction fee for topping up your Shyft ZAR wallet, using any local bank debit or credit card, from the app.
6.Who qualifies for the OfferEvery customer, successfully onboarded onto Shyft
7.Who does not qualify for the Offer 

Not applicable

8.How to accept the Offer 
  1.  Open Shyft on your smartphone, tablet or PC and sign in to your account. 
  2. From the Quick Actions drop-down, select “Top Up Wallet”.
  3. Choose “Card” as your top-up method.
  4. Select the amount of ZAR you’d like to top up with.
  5. Tap “Continue” and confirm the top-up.
  6. Your account will be credited in seconds. Save your card details and pay in one tap the next time you top up!
9.How many times you can accept the OfferAs many times as the customer would like to top up their Shyft wallet.
10.How you will receive the OfferYour Shyft wall top up transaction will show a Zero percent (0%) transaction fee associated with the wallet top up for the period of the campaign.
11.Other termsNot applicable

    1. Please read the Terms carefully and pay special attention to the clauses that are in bold, as they may limit our liability (responsibility) or involve some risk to you.
    2. We are the promoter of the Offer. Any reference to we/us/our includes our directors, sponsors, agents or consultants, where the context allows for it.
    3. By participating in the Offer, you agree to be bound by:
      1. these Terms;
      2. the terms and conditions of any of our products or services that you sign up for as part of the Offer; and
      3. any supplier terms and conditions (if applicable).
    4. These Terms apply to the Offer and to all information (including promotional or advertising material that is published) in relation to the Offer.
    5. We are not responsible for any loss or damage which you or any third party may suffer as a result of you taking up the Offer.
    6. We are not responsible if you are not able to successfully take up the Offer for any reason, including because of an interruption in services or a technological failure.
    7. We reserve the right to amend these Terms.
    8. We can end the Offer with immediate effect with or without notice to you. If this happens, you waive (give up) any rights, which you may have against us and you will have no claim against us.
    9.  If there is a dispute in respect of these Terms or the Offer, our decision is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.
    10. The Offer cannot be used together with any other similar offer or campaign promoted by us.